Friday, June 25, 2010

Hello, everyone!! What a hot day in Georgia! You can fry an egg on the sidewalk; well, a friend tried and it did not exactly fry. But, you get the picture.

I think Owen & Will have reached summer boredom, and we have a long time to go. Owen is becoming a "teenager". Now, that can be a good and bad thing. Good in that he is getting closer to doing things other kids his age are doing. Bad in that those things are not always good. For instance, Owen has never cared about using the regular phone. He loves his cell phone, but could care less about the home phone. He has now decided to use both.

Both boys are doing their summer chores. They are mainly responsible for watering the pots on the deck, so they will live. You see, I have a black thumb; it is not green! I can grow plants in the ground, but put them in a planter, and they will die. We will buy a plant, and Will says "Well, how long before that one dies, Mama?"

Owen's diet seems to be going well. We are all adjusting. We found some sandwich bread that is actually edible. It is called Udi bread. They also make delicious muffins. Also found some vegan cheese that actually melts!!! We will finally get to have pizza for the first time in 6 months.
We thought we could eventually get off of the diet, but the doctor wants us to even go stricter, removing carbs and going organic. Baby steps, please. Please don't take away our potatoes and rice....we will die!

The supplements we are giving him are working well. He is actually so much happier and more himself. It finally hit me yesterday that here I have been reading everything I can on nutrition and counting out about 30 differenct supplements for Owen to get better, and he is. It is amazing! I need to do the same thing. I know the things that make my IBS go crazy! Why do I continue to eat them? I know the supplements will make me better, but I am so busy with his, the store, the house, etc. that I do not take time for me. I vow to do for me and Will what I do for Owen. Anthony has the perfect GI system and needs no help. He could eat nails and be fine. So I pledge to the cyberworld that I will juice for me, take my supplements, and Will's supplements. You all must make sure I do this. My health is depending on it!

Until later,
Janna the juicer

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello, everyone. My laptop is under the weather, so I haven't been posting. We saw Dr Buckley 2 weeks ago, and had a great appt. I learned more in those few hours than I could have learned in a lifetime in books. Talk about a light being turned on! It all makes so much sense now- why certain things happen. She added some supplements, increasedrothers. I felt pretty good about our 30 hours with Barry; that is until she told us we needed 300 hours!!!! Not to mention we had to return Barry the same day. Well, Barry will be returning to the Cobb house asap.

Owen went to football camp at Auburn and loved it. Just a few more trips to Auburn,and he will be a true Tiger. Dr Buckley impressed Owen with her NFL friends, but he did not want to talk about poop! He would just say "this is making me uncomfortable". It was very interesting.

Owen takes so many supplements that it is a good thing I count pills for a living. How he does it I don't know. He is truly amazing! He is so loving, hugging me and being so sweet. I wondered where my little boy was; he was there all along, waiting for us to find him.

We took a short trip to Atlanta to the Braves game and the GA aquarium. They were both amazing. Anthony got us great seats at the game. Will wants to go back for his birthday in August. One day we will have a family sleepover at the aquarium. Will's fav part was the penguins. They are precious!

Until later,